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Les anglais commémorent l'arrêt des vols !... et encore une leçon pour la France. Pendant que les Français continuent de s'apitoyer sur leur sort, les anglais continuent de rêver et de croire en leur génie créatif. Croire dans le futur c'est aussi croire dans le passé, croire dans le passé, c'est repenser à Concorde. Bien sûr pas seulement et obessionnellement du funeste jour comme c'est le cas en France mais croire en tout ce qui a été créé avant le terrible drame. La journée fut ponctuée de conférences consacrées à l'avenir et la présence d'Olympus a été particulièrement appréciée. Ci dessous en brillant orateur Fred Finn, l'homme qui a battu tous les record de fréquentation du supersonique. A noter pour les septiques, une journée où Fred Finn a fait trois aller-retour UK-USA, quel bonheur de l'entendre nous narrer tout cela. Ce fut aussi une belle occasion pour que Janey Fransen nous montre ses oeuvres... Visiter leur site internet http://www.britishairwaysconcorde.com/news.html
Bien qu'Olympus593 ait de moindres ambitions, et malgré une belle avance, les anglais nous ont plus que dépassés dans leur volonté de rapprocher Concorde des anciens mécaniciens et acteurs du supersonique. Toute la belle différence qui existe entre "être aidé" et "être gêné". La belle énergie qui n'est plus mise en France s'est tournée vers la dynamique Albion et voyez vous-même le résultat. Les briseurs de dynamique se sont réveillés aussi là-bas, souhaitons qu'en Angleterre, ce ne soit pas les minorités qui dirigent les majorités. Bravo aux responsables de l'aéroport et Musée de Manchester ! Bravo au peuple anglais qui soutient nos partenaires britanniques
Good luck ! Ci-dessous, les anglais célèbrent la fin de l'aventure Concorde. Quelle leçon !
Ben Lord à la BBC parle de la nouvelle révolution Concorde qui se prépare !
A partir de 1h45 Nearly a wonderful new is coming from SHELL AVIATION UK Bravo à eux, Olympus593 est bien l'association de ceux qui sont à l'action CONCORDE'S ENGINES TO BE BROUGHT BACK TO LIFE It's not a question of if anymore, but when - for the first time since Concorde's retirement back in 2003, her engines will be bursting back to life. Following a recent meeting earlier this week at the Le Bourget Air and Space Museum in France, with our French alliance counterparts, known as Olympus593, negotiations were finalised and agreed that the engines of former Air France Concorde, known as "Sierra Delta" will be powered up. Ben Lord, Vice Chairman, said: "This is absolutely fantastic news and very exciting. We have always maintained, with the benefit of our experienced engineers, that Concorde could have their engines restarted and this has been proven thanks to the shared belief that our colleagues in France have. Furthermore, this brings us a step further to the possibility of Concorde being returned to the skies in our proposed heritage capacity. Having previously been told in so many directions that none of this was possible, our thoughts all along that where there is the will, there will always be a way to success has been proven." This latest major development has been made thanks to the excellent advantages our colleagues across the Channel have over us in the UK - largely down to the museum in France owning their airframe. Given this support within France, which is combined with that of our support network here in the UK, it is highly probable that this French Concorde, could be the first of the original airframes to once again become an aircraft and not a technological relic. Perhaps the ability to perform a ground taxi, or who knows, even one day to fly would be the next possible stages. SCG is using all their resources to assist Olympus 593 and the team in France at this point and this is moving almost supersonically. The possibility to hear those fine engines from Rolls-Royce fire up again will be simply magical. In an ironic twist, this major development gives further weight to the distinct possibility that Concorde could feature in the opening ceremony of the greatest event on the planet - the 2012 London Olympics. Whilst efforts to return one of the British Airways Concorde's to the skies goes on undiminished, the sight of a any Concorde back in the skies will no doubt strengthen the resolve of the British people, to allow us to return one of the BA planes to flight and thus satisfy the wishes of the overwhelming majority of the British public. ENDS For more information regarding this PR and the Save Concorde Group, please contact: Ben Lord Vice Chairman Tel: 01284 747163 / 07791 394143 E-Mail: ben.lord@save-concorde.co.uk | Web: www.save-concorde.co.uk LE TRAVAIL DE SAVE CONCORDE en ANGLETERRE We represent a growing number of people who feel saddened and cheated by the decision to retire Concorde early, and there is a lot of bitterness over the lack of Government intervention and the dismissal of various proposals to keep her flying. Our main aim is to create a voice that will be recognised. We already have the backing of the British Air Line Pilots’ Association (BALPA), Sir Terence Conran and Phil Collins, to name but a few. Please visit our website for more information and to pledge your support. Our website address is : www.save-concorde.co.uk Thank you for your help! Official visit of the SAVE CONCORDE british delegation in Paris November 27th the new "ENTENTE CORDIALE"
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Association OLYMPUS 593 à but non lucratif, loi de 1901 préfigurant une fondation. SIRENE 515 125 714 00011 N°W783001134 _ _Contact EMAIL FREDERIC.PINLET@OLYMPUS593.COM